Landlord-Tenant Laws in Colorado
The laws governing landlord-tenant issues in Colorado are codified in the Forcible Entry and Detainer Act, that is, Colorado Revised Statutes (“C.R.S.”) § 13-40-101 to 13-40-123. An eviction proceeding is essentially a proceeding to get legal permission to forcibly remove a person and their belongings from the landlord’s property, thus, the statutes are called the Forcible Entry and Detainer Act. Further, the act makes it unlawful for any person to enter into a property or remain on a property that he or she does not have permission to be on. This unlawful entry or detainer is what gives rise to the landlord’s right to evict the person; however, the act does not simply allow a landlord to remove a person who is unlawfully on the property, instead the act details specific procedural requirements that must be followed.